
How To Speed Up Windows 8 Startup

Computers have come up a long mode since the beige boxes of old, but fifty-fifty with speeds measured in gigahertz and gigabytes per second, they still involve some occasional waiting. If you're tired of solving Rubik'south Cubes while you wait for your computer to kick, here are a few means to speed upwardly the process.

Enable Windows' Fast Startup Mode

system settings

Windows x has a feature called Fast Startup that does exactly what it sounds like, and this is an obvious get-go stop in your quest. Substantially, this is a sort of halfway mode between hibernating and shutting downwardly. Information technology won't save your open up applications, like hibernation will, but the under-the-hood OS will become into hibernation mode, helping yous start up with a clean land faster.

Rebooting is unaffected, though, and so if y'all run into problems with Windows Update or getting into your BIOS, yous may have to restart your PC to perform those tasks rather than shutting down.

On many machines, this may be enabled by default, but if yous e'er turned it off—or if for some reason information technology wasn't enabled on the desktop you lot built yourself—you can flip the switch pretty easily.

Head to Settings > System > Ability & Slumber and click the Additional Power Settings link on the right-hand side of the window. From in that location, click Choose What the Power Buttons Practice, and you should run across a checkbox next to Turn on Fast Startup in the listing of options.

If it'south grayed out, y'all'll need to click the Alter Settings That Are Currently Unavailable link at the height of that window first, then plough on the Fast Startup feature. Be sure to click the Save Changes button when you're done.

Adapt Your UEFI/BIOS Settings

bios settings

Some computers have another Fast Boot setting in the BIOS. Unlike Windows' Fast Startup, the Fast Boot setting (or whatever it's called on your motherboard) bypasses some of the initial tests your estimator runs when it offset starts upward. If you're overclocking or otherwise demand regular access to the BIOS, yous might want to get out this off, only most people could benefit from turning information technology on if it isn't already.

Reboot your calculator, press Delete to enter the BIOS setup (or another cardinal, if prompted), and search for any fast kick settings in the carte. Some folks also recommend changing your Boot Guild Priority (making sure your hard disk is at the peak of the listing, rather than a DVD drive or network kick), simply I've never found this to move the needle much.

Every motherboard is different, and then poke effectually your UEFI/BIOS settings to see if there are whatsoever other features you can enable or disable to speed upwardly the kicking process—your motherboard or PC manual may point you in the right direction.

Cutting Downwardly on Startup Programs

task manager

The more programs yous accept set to launch at startup, the longer your computer volition take to go into a usable country when you boot it upward. Some of your startup programs may be necessary to have running all the time, but plenty probably are not.

To see what launches at startup, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to bring up the Chore Manager. Click More Details forth the bottom, then head to the Startup tab. You will be presented with a list of programs that start with your estimator, along with Windows' estimate of how much information technology impacts your boot fourth dimension.

You will likewise see a "Terminal BIOS Time" in the upper-right corner—that tells you lot how long your BIOS takes to hand off control to Windows, so if this number is more a few seconds, you might desire to take another look at the BIOS settings as described higher up. In some cases, you lot might just have a slow motherboard like I do.

If you see a plan in this list y'all don't need at startup—particularly if it has a high startup impact—head into that plan's settings and uncheck the option to launch it with Windows. (Dropbox, for example, is worth the startup bear upon since y'all want it running all the time—simply the Epic Games Launcher probably doesn't need to launch with your PC.)

If you don't see an selection in that program's startup settings, y'all can disable information technology from this Task Manager window to prevent information technology from launching at boot. You can as well open Settings > Apps > Startup and plough off annihilation you don't want to open at startup.

Open up File Explorer and type %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup into the accost bar to access your Startup folder. Whatsoever shortcuts added here volition automatically launch at boot—then if at that place's something here you don't want launching, just delete it from the folder.

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Finally, if y'all encounter whatever programs through this procedure that you lot don't need at all, get ahead and uninstall them entirely—and it never hurts to run a malware browse while you're at information technology. Bad actors running in the background tin definitely tedious down your boot procedure.

Permit Windows Updates Run During Downtime

active hours

When Windows updates, it has to take time to install those updates when you lot shut down—and, often, when you kicking support. If yous're tired of your computer "Getting Windows Set" afterwards an update when you lot merely want to play some games, you should let Windows practise its affair when y'all aren't using the PC. This does mean letting your machine run automatic updates, though.

To do so without interrupting your piece of work, head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and click the Change Agile Hours button. Tell Windows what fourth dimension you tend to utilize the device most—say, from 9 to v—and it will try to run automatic updates and reboots during times when the system is idle. Read more than about how this works in our guide to controlling updates in Windows 10.

Upgrade to a Solid-State Drive

samsung ssd

Samsung SSD 870 EVO

More and more than modern computers have ditched the spinning mechanical difficult drives of yore and moved on to solid-state drives, or SSDs, which are much faster. If you're still using one of those old disks, information technology'south fourth dimension to upgrade. Not merely will programs launch nearly instantaneously compared to your ancient hard drive, simply your computer volition kick much faster equally well.

Just about any computer with a spinning disk should be easy to upgrade to an SSD like the Samsung 870 EVO, which you can buy as cheaply as $65 for 500GB. Look upwards repair instructions for your specific laptop or desktop for the full step-by-step, since it can vary from machine to auto. For most, you shouldn't need more than a screwdriver (and occasionally a torx bit).

Simply Employ Sleep Mode

sleep mode

Here's the thing: booting upwards fresh from your hard drive will always be slower than resuming from sleep. If you're frustrated by how long it takes to start your computer, consider only putting it to slumber instead.

After all, while sleep does employ a flake more power than a full shutdown, the departure is likely negligible in terms of electricity costs. Sleep tin also be a bit more than finicky if your computer has background programs waking it upward at random times, just nosotros have a guide to fixing that likewise. Shutting downwardly still has its identify—if I'grand putting my laptop in my handbag for a few days, for example, I'll probably close it downward fully—simply the more often y'all use sleep, the less you lot volition have to worry most that pesky startup time.

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