
How To Use Virtual Desktops In Windows 10

In Windows, the virtual desktop feature has been ignored for long enough, for either of 2 reasons: only a few people know about it or because it but became a standard characteristic in the Windows 10 iteration.

A virtual desktop is another "desktop" where you lot tin can take other applications running. It's like having a 2nd case of the operating system running on the aforementioned PC.

Why Yous Demand the Virtual Desktop Windows Feature

The answer is productivity.


Having many tabs/windows open means you tin can only work on i plan at a time. This feature impacts how you can motility from i activeness to the next.

Think most a web designer, for instance. For a simple project, he needs to take an Explorer tab, a photo editor, an IDE and a web browser all agile. Imagine the stress of having to switch between all these programs.

With virtual desktop windows, he just needs to switch from one desktop to another. Say goodbye to the hassle of maximizing and minimizing programs.

This feature is even more far-reaching for laptop users, as they cannot movement effectually with many monitors.

If you desire to know how to use this characteristic on your Windows PC, go on reading.

Fix the Virtual Desktop on Windows 10

i. Click on the Offset push, and then on "Settings."


2. Select the "Search bar."


three. Input the keyword virtual in the search bar. Choose "Customize virtual desktop settings."


4. Set the virtual desktop to testify windows that are open on only the active desktop. Prepare the same for the Alt + TAB selection. Exit Settings afterward that.


Fix Chore View Button on Your Taskbar

If y'all already have the chore view push enabled, skip this step.

  • Right-click on any department of your taskbar. It will pop out some options.
  • Select the "Evidence task view push" option.


An icon should appear on your windows taskbar. Check beside the Search button or Cortana (if you have it activated).


Create a New Desktop

Click on the task view button. It volition show all your open programs arranged in rectangles beyond the screen. This screen is the job view pane. You lot can likewise employ the Windows shortcut Win + TAB.


At the bottom-right corner of this screen, you will see a "New desktop" icon. Click on it.

Or yous tin utilise the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + D to create a new desktop.


You should come across a new empty desktop appear abreast your primary desktop.

Switching Between Your Desktops

To come across your desktops, you can click the Windows job view button or use the ALT + TAB keyboard shortcut.

There are two pointer keys that you can use to scroll through the open desktops. Note that Windows arranges the desktops serially. This ways you cannot jump desktops while switching.


You can also use the Windows keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Right Arrow or Win + Ctrl + Left Arrow to gyre through the open desktops.

Motility Windows from I Desktop to Another

Yous may want to movement windows from one open desktop to another ane. There's a provision for this.

  • Go to the desktop where the window/program you need is open.
  • Click the task view push button or use the keyboard shortcut Win + TAB.
  • Right-click on the program you lot need to move. Some options will come up up. Select the "Move to" option. A listing of the open desktops volition show upward. Choose the desired desktop, and Windows will movement it for you.


How to Close Virtual Desktop Windows

Note that endmost the virtual desktop windows closes the open programs on them likewise, so only close them afterwards you finish working with them.

  • Go to the task view pane using theWin + TAB shortcut or task view push.
  • Hover over the desktop you lot need to close and end it similar yous would every other programme.


Wrapping Up

The virtual desktop windows feature is one of the best additions to the Windows OS. So far, it seems you can have an infinite number of virtual desktops open up. At terminal count, there were more than 250 virtual desktops open on the test machine. Also, you can create your custom windows shortcuts for various actions. If you want to meliorate your productivity, this characteristic has your back.

Image credit: Man working with vurtial screens by DepositPhotos

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Nicholas Godwin

Nicholas Godwin

Nicholas Godwin is a engineering researcher who helps businesses tell profitable make stories that their audiences honey. He's worked on projects for Fortune 500 companies, global tech corporations and peak consulting firms, from Bloomberg Beta, Accenture, PwC, and Deloitte to HP, Trounce, and AT&T. You may follow his work on Twitter or simply say hi. His website is Tech Write Researcher.


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