
2 Point Perspective City Drawing

Two Point Perspective Fantasy Cityscape

Challenge: Using the principles of one and two point perspective we studied in class,  create a city/town landscape.  The drawing may be taken from observation, created from your imagination, or an interpretation of personal images.


1.Brainstorming: Using your knowledge of two point perspective draw on scrap paper (8 1/2"x11") 5-6 ideas for a fantasy two-point perspective drawing of a city. Think of yourself as the city planner--design any type of city you desire.(These are quick sketches, thumbnails)

2.)Flushing out your idea: When you have some good ideas transfer one idea to large newsprint [12 x 18] and begin to flush out your design in pencil.(This is a more involved sketch, a draft of the final design)

Things to think about when creating your cityscape:

• You may hold your paper horizontally or vertically.

• Your architectural composition should fill the paper and include landscaping, rivers, roads, architectural details like windows, doors, steps, domes, spires, roofs, textured surfaces, etc., and background including sky, mountains, etc.

• Refer to handouts and books for ideas and construction reminders.

• This is a fantasy city--use your imagination!  You might reference a different culture and design a city in a different part of the world or particular architectural style.  You might reference a different time period in order to create a fantasy city of the past or future.

• Consider your horizon line and vanishing points carefully.

Remember - Your drawingmust include the following:

     • one horizon line

    • multiple vanishing points:  [2 vanishing points off the paper]

    • structures in one and two point perspective

    • background

    • environment that enhances your composition [trees, parks, sidewalks, water, mountains, bridges,  etc]

    • poles/arches or ramps/other perspective challengesUsing what you have learned about two-point perspective-

3.)Beginning your final version: When your composition is approved Draw 1/2" borders on your paper and put your name and class period in the lower right hand corner of the border.

• Begin to transfer your planned city to your finished drawing paper.  You may use the light board, graphite paper or tracing paper. Draw lightly so if you need to change anything you will be able to do so easily.

• Make any changes from your plan NOW when you are setting up the page.

4.)Inking: When your drawing is transferred to large paper in pencil outline all lines with a thin sharpie.

5.)Giving the city life: Plan a color theme and complete a color sample sheet. *Lesson in class

• Check in and begin adding color.  Remember to layer your colors, change directions, and NO wax.

REMEMBER: NEATNESS COUNTS!  Your craftsmanship is a large part of your final grade, so remove all smudges and guidelines before adding color.  Make sure all marker lines are clean and neatly drawn.  Use a straight edge for all straight lines.

How to make telephone poles:

Here are some student examples to give you some ideas to get going!

2 Point Perspective City Drawing


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